The elections of Telangana Poultry Federation, popularly known as TPF were conducted between April 12 and April 27 for its 10 regional committee in Telangana and the Executive Committee. The elections for the Executive Committee consisting of 11 members was concluded at its registered office and the members were elected unanimously. The elected bodies will continue for a period of five years from the date of the results declared.
The elected members of the Executive Committee for TPF include president, Kasarla Mohan Reddy, vice-president, Vuppala Narasimha Reddy, general secretary, Vuduthala Bhaskar Rao, Secretary, Pathuri Venkata Rao, Treasurer, Vangeti Abhisheka Reddy and six members including Momula Sudhakara Reddy, Purumandla Shyam Sundar Reddy, Siddenki Jaganmohan Reddy, Tripuraneni Subrahmanyam, Vemula Ravinder Reddy and Gandhameneni Vinay Prasad.
The TPF is the apex body of poultry farmers consisting of more than 25, 000 farmers as its members. Initially, it was incorporated in the 1975 and after bifurcation of the state; it was renamed as Telangana poultry Federation (TPF) and was registered in 2015.