Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of molds/fungi and has become is due to constant change in climate and inefficient storage conditions and Mycotoxin contamination is one of prominent factor for grain wastage in world & negatively impact animal health consequently. There are more than 400+ mycotoxins prevalent worldwide, but, few of mycotoxins contribute major loss for animal health. Aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, zearalenone andfumonisinsare the mycotoxins of greatest agro-economic importance. Some moldsare capable of producing more than one mycotoxin and some mycotoxins are produced by more than one fungal species. Often more…
Month: June 2021
The impact of dietary sodium Diformate
(Acidomix DF+) on the performance of layers – A Short Review Christian Lückstädt1 and Sarah Mellor2 1ADDCON GmbH, Bitterfeld, Germany; 2Independent writer, Weinheim, Germany Microbiological integrity of eggs is an important issue, while bacterial pathogens in feed and environment of layer units can have serious consequences for bird health and productivity. Salmonella is the most widely understood bacterial pathogen in egg production, which, according to Farooq (2001) is among the bacterial species influencing higher losses in chicken and was abundantly found in bedding material of chicken (42%), drinkers (36%), feed…
Are we catching the right Gut Health Signals, from droppings?
Overview The broilers are fast growers and their feed intake rises rapidly every day. This higher demand places higher stress on intestine and gut microflora. With ever intensifying predisposing factors, it takes just one thing to disrupt the balance, like increased alternate raw materials, season, diet density, increased clostridial load, & higher use of antibiotics, lead to disturbed gut health signs. Leading to flock being treated prophylactically for enteritis. Whereas in therapeutic treatments, there is a high probability of induced dysbacteriosis. Specific signals from gut A broiler bird is allowed…
DSM launches Sustell™ An Intelligent Sustainability Service
Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, has launched Sustell™ — a first-of-its-kind intelligent sustainability service that delivers accurate, simple, and actionable farm-level solutions – to improve the environmental footprint and profitability of animal protein production. Through Sustell™, DSM is underlining its commitment to its strategic initiative We Make It Possible, which is driving a robust and achievable global transformation toward sustainable animal protein production. By leveraging digital and data-driven solutions such as Sustell™, DSM is advancing its precision animal farming journey towards a…
Indian Poultry Industry has geared up to meet the challenges posed by COVID
Ricky Thaper – Treasurer, Poultry Federation of India After dealing with challenges posed by COVID pandemic, Indian poultry industry is now focusing on key aspects like automation at farm level and adoption of stringent bio-safety norms at the farm so that occurrence of viral outbreak could be curbed or reduced. The sustained demand because of a spike in online sales and home delivery of chicken and eggs during the current phase of localised lockdowns is good indicators for the future growth of the poultry industry. Training of manpower (those engaged in…
Protected: June 2021
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